School Uniform

Class L.K.G to Std.IV
Boys: Pink CHeck shirt & navy Blue shorts.

Girls: Pink check bacl open house with collar and navy blue pinafone.

Class V to VII

Girls: Pink check shirt with navy blue pleated skirt reaching below the knees.

Boys: Pink check shirt  with half sleeve, navy blue long pants.
(Low waist and tight pants are not allowed)

Class VIII to X
Boys: Pink check shirt with half sleeve , navy blue long pants.
(Low waist and tight pants are not allowed)

Girls: Top with pink check and bottom navy blue blue overcoat
Black shoes and navy blue socks with pink band.

Class XI and XII

Boys: Dark grey striped shirt.
Dark grey pants, black belt. (Low waist and tight pants are not allowed) Black shoes and navy blue socks.

Girls: Top with dark grey strips,
Bottom grey pants, grey pvercoat, black shoes and navy blue socks.
Navy blue band for hair (Girls !-XII)

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Contact Info
Immanuel Mar Thoma Central school is owned and governed by the Immanuel Mar Thoma Parish,Eraviperoor.
  • Eraviperoor
  • +914692665637